The actor, who plays a scientist who must enforce a quarantine, also delves into her small roles in ‘Mission: Impossible’ and ‘The Last Jedi’: «If you overthought it in that instance, it would’ve been game over.»
by Brian Davids
“I want us to stay on the boat until we’re sure that none of us is infected … It’s your families. It’s your husbands. It’s your babies. Hate me if you want, but we have to take action. We have to take responsibility.”
Sea Fever star Hermione Corfield delivered this monologue a year and a half ago, and yet, it is eerily similar to the countless speeches we’ve heard over the last few weeks that urge us all to self-quarantine for the sake of reducing the transmission of COVID-19 to those around us — even if you think you’re healthy. Unfortunately, not everyone has heeded the advice of scientists and politicians around the world, something Corfield’s scientist character, Siobhán, also contends with while aboard a trawler whose crew has been exposed to a mysterious infectious disease.